
Last updated: 2023-08-13

GitHub Repositories

BrickSim is an open-source project. This means that everyone can help improve the program. All files are on GitHub, divided into two repositories.
The main repo contains everything needed for BrickSim itself.
The files for this Web Page are in another repo (BrickSimWeb).

If you want to contribute to the website (writing manuals etc.), you need to clone BrickSimWeb. More about contributing to the website can be found here.
If you want to contribute to the program itself, you need to clone BrickSim.

GitHub Issue Tracker

Issues about this website or the documentation still go to BrickSim/issues and should use the correct label.

If you have found a bug, have a question or feature request, check if there's already something in the docs about it. If there's nothing about it in the docs, search on GitHub Issues. In case you still don't have a satisfactory answer, don't hesitate to create a new issue.

Security Issues

Every program has bigger or smaller bugs. Unfortunately, some of them are security vulnerabilities. It is safer for all users if these are not publicly reported. If you found one, please write an e-mail directly to the creator of BrickSim (