Using CLion on Windows

Last updated: 2022-02-20

  1. Download MSYS2 from and follow the installation instructions there.
  2. Execute the following command in a MSYS2 Shell to install git: pacman -S git
  3. Add C:\msys64\usr\bin\ to your windows PATH environment variable.
  4. Download and install CLion if not already done.
    1. Clone the repository by git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
  5. Run
  6. Open CLion and open the directory where you cloned BrickSim into
  7. If you haven't configured any toolchains yet, a popup named "Open Project Wizard" will open. Click on the blue text "MinGW".
  8. Enter a path in the "Environment" field. Usually, this is C:\msys64\mingw64. You can leave the rest like it is and press "Next".
  9. On the next screen, you have to change the "Build directory" to cmake-build/debug64. If you want, you can also add a "Release" configuration: CLion Debug Profile
  10. After that, you can click "Finish". You may have to set the Git executable path in the settings. On my system, it was C:\msys64\usr\bin\git.exe.
  11. You should now be able to run BrickSim by clicking the green play symbol.