Code structure
Last updated: 2021-04-25
Folder | Purpose |
/.github | GitHub-specific things like Actions Workflows |
/.idea | CLion configuration |
/.vscode | VS Code configuration |
/cmake-build | This folder is ignored in .gitignore .You should set the CMake build directory to /cmake-build/debug64 in the Debug 64bit configuration for example. |
/docs | This is the root of the Website. Do not edit the content of this directory, it is automatically updated when someone pushes to master in the BrickSimWeb repository. |
/resources | Non-code files like images or fonts |
/scripts | Shell scripts |
/src | All source code of the application itself |
/src/constant_data | Constants and generated sources |
/src/gui | All source files that belong to the graphical user interface |
/src/helpers | Code that "helps" other code components. |
/src/info_providers | Providers that load information about bricks. |
/src/ldr_files | LDraw file parser |
/src/lib | Third-party code |
/src/shaders | OpenGL shader source files (.fsh =fragment, .gsh =geometry, .vsh =vertex) |
/src/test | Catch2 unit tests |
/src/tools | Code for tools like gear ratio calculator |
/test_files | Files to test the LDraw parser |