GitHub Actions Build

Last updated: 2021-05-27


All jobs are defined in one workflow file, .github/workflows/cmake_build.yml. Splitting them into multiple smaller files is unfortunately not possible, because sharing data between different workflows is difficult.
There are three jobs which do the actual compilation buildLinux, buildWindows and buildMac. The output of these jobs are saved in Artifacts named BrickSimRawBinary_{platform} and BrickSimTests_{platform}.
The jobs testLinux and testWindows then download the BrickSimTests_{platform} artifacts and run them. They then upload the output as an artifact named UnitTestReport_{platform}


These jobs are essentially the same for all platforms:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run
  3. Install other tools like ccache
  4. Setup cache
  5. Configure CMake
  6. Build
  7. Upload artifacts

Installer Build

These jobs depend on the build jobs because they obviously need the raw binary to pack it into the installer. The steps are also mostly the same on all platforms:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install VMware InstallBuilder
  3. Download the raw binary artifact and copy it where it was
  4. Build the installer
  5. Upload it as an artifact


These jobs execute the BrickSimTests executable built by the build jobs. Currently they run the tests on Linux64, Windows32 and Windows64. After running, they upload the test report as an artifact.

Publish test results

After all tests have run, this job downloads all report artifacts and publishes a comment with the formatted results on the commit or pull request.


Linux64x86_64Linux 64bit
Linux32i386Linux 32bit
Windows64x86_64Windows 64bit
Windows32i686Windows 32bit
Mac64x86_64MacOS 64bit (for Intel processors)
MacARMarm64MacOS ARM64 (for Apple Silicon processors)